
Data Entry Services

What is our Data Entry offering?

Sometimes a data migration job may not be possible for cleaning, merging or entering data. An example of this may be where there is missing data properties, where data is coming in via Salesforce cases/emails or where a user may need to call or communicate with a contact before data is updated. 


Why use our data entry offering? 


Customer Services

Sometimes, data cleaning may require interaction with the contact. Our resource can communicate via phone/email to ensure the correct data is entered. 

Architecture Overview

Our data entry professional will be managed by a Cloud Centrica Solution Architect to ensure Data is entered in the right format. 

Confidentiality Agreement

When working with data, it is important to ensure regulation and compliance is adhered to. We will manage a confidentiality agreement with our client and resources. 

UK Based & English speaking

Our resource is UK based and english speaking. 

Managed Service

If you are using our managed service, we will manage the process of data cleaning. You can also use your hours from managed services towards this service (pro rata).


Our data entry professional can be brought in on short notice and time is billed hourly based on usage.

Contact Us to get started.

If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to get in touch using the contact us button below. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can we use our managed service hours towards this?

The amount used on Data Entry Services will deducted from the money spent on Managed Services. This means your organisation just needs to approve 1 contract and only pay 1 invoice. It also means less administration and approvals.  

How flexible is the service

Our Data Entry professional is available on an adhoc basis, meaning you can decide to bring them in when needed as part of our managed services offering. 

Will architecture/training time be logged at the same rate?

Any training or architect overview that is provided to the Data Entry professional will be logged at the standard managed service rate. If Managed Services is not used, this will be budgeted and agreed on at the start of the proposal. 

How can work be passed on to the data entry service

This will vary organisation to organisation. Ideally, a workflow will be implemented in Salesforce to assign cases to our professional. Tasks can also be grouped together 

why can we trust Cloud Centrica with our data entry services

Our Data Entry Professional is UK based, meaning your data will not leave the EU and be GDPR compliant. We will ensure a Data confidentiality agreement is signed and put in the relevant security measures to ensure only data required for cleaning/entry is accessible to the resource. 

How is time logged & billed

Time is logged in 10 minute intervals and billed by the hour.